Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Aim to focus your research carefully. Try to:
1. Work independently
2. Analyse
3. Apply theory learnt in class to examples of your own choice

In order to be prepared for both the evaluation and the exam, try to research the following:
a) Genre (a specific genre, genre signifiers, genre categories)
b) Audience (target audience, appeal, cultural identity)
c) Institutions (specific directors, record labels, marketing, branding, construction of image)
d) Style + Form (music videos, album covers, music magazines, adverts, websites, music channels/stations)

Get started straight away – you have time this term to complete this, alongside the music video teaching.
It’s fine to work with other people as long as you are responsible for your own contributions and note taking, and you write up your work separately.
How to present it:
The more visual and analytical your blog is, the better. It should look impressive!!
Your work around the individual tasks should go on your individual blog, and group work should go on the group blog.

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